Over the years, I have written a lot of code: simulations, analyses, functions and packages. Below are three project sites that contain information on the packages I have written, as well as a lot of useful materials related to these packages. In addition, I have listed all publications for which I can make code publically available. This will be useful for those who seek to reproduce results of simulation studies from my research papers. You can find the respective files and instructions under the code and project tags.



Model Averaging after Multiple Imputation


Causal Inference for Continuous Interventions


Shrinkage Averaging Estimation


Publications, and accompanying materials

Selected Projects

Featured Research


Software & Code

Internal Project

An example of using the in-built project page.

Publications with Available Code

(2014). Model selection and model averaging after multiple imputation. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 71: pp.758-770.

PDF Code Project

(2012). Shrinkage averaging estimation. Statistical Papers, 53(4): pp.1015-1034.

PDF Code Project