
Determining Targets for Antiretroviral Drug Concentrations: a Causal Framework Illustrated with Pediatric Efavirenz Data from the CHAPAS-3 Trial

Correcting mortality estimates among children and youth on antiretroviral therapy in southern Africa: A comparative analysis between a multi-country tracing study and linkage to a health information exchange

Virologic non-suppression and early loss to follow up among pregnant and non-pregnant adolescents aged 15–19 years initiating antiretroviral therapy in South Africa: a retrospective cohort study

Virologic response of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy in the period of early adolescence (10-14 years) in South Africa

Stunting and growth velocity of adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV: differential evolution for males and females. A multiregional analysis from the IeDEA global paediatric collaboration

What Should We Do When HIV-positive Children Fail First-line Combination Antiretroviral Therapy? A Comparison of 4 ART Management Strategies

The epidemiology of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV: A cross-region global cohort analysis

Inequality in outcomes for adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) Cohort Collaboration analysis

Optimal timing of antiretroviral treatment initiation in HIV-positive children and adolescents: a multiregional analysis from Southern Africa, West Africa and Europe

Growth and Mortality Outcomes for Different Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation Criteria in Children aged 1-5 Years: A Causal Modelling Analysis from West and Southern Africa