CD4 count at antiretroviral therapy initiation and the risk of loss to follow-up: results from a multicentre cohort study

A comparison of death recording by health centres and civil registration in South Africans receiving antiretroviral treatment

Superior virologic and treatment outcomes when viral load is measured at 3 months compared to 6 months on antiretroviral therapy

Anti-V3-Glycan and Anti-MPER Neutralizing Antibodies, but Not Anti-V2-Glycan Site Antibodies, Are Strongly Associated with Greater Anti-HIV-1 Neutralization Breadth and Potency

Mortality in patients with HIV-1 infection starting antiretroviral therapy in South Africa, Europe, or North America: a collaborative analysis of prospective studies

Virologic response in children treated with abacavir-compared with stavudine-based antiretroviral treatment: a South African multi-cohort analysis

CD4 count slope and mortality in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy: multicohort analysis from South Africa

Immune recovery after starting ART in HIV-infected patients presenting and not presenting with tuberculosis in South Africa

Life expectancies of South African adults starting antiretroviral treatment: collaborative analysis of cohort studies

Effects of rifampin-based antituberculosis therapy on plasma efavirenz concentrations in children vary by CYP2B6 genotype