Feasibility of antiretroviral therapy initiation under the treat-all policy under routine conditions: a prospective cohort study from Eswatini

Decreased risk of HIV-associated TB during antiretroviral therapy expansion in rural Eswatini from 2009 to 2016: a cohort and population-based analysis

Programmatic outcomes and impact of rapid public sector antiretroviral therapy expansion in adults prior to introduction of the WHO treat-all approach in rural Eswatini

The epidemiology of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV: A cross-region global cohort analysis

Inequality in outcomes for adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER) Cohort Collaboration analysis

Assessing the risk of dolutegravir for women of childbearing potential

Contemporary disengagement from antiretroviral therapy in Khayelitsha, South Africa: A cohort study

Twelve-year mortality in adults initiating antiretroviral therapy in South Africa

CD4 count at antiretroviral therapy initiation and the risk of loss to follow-up: results from a multicentre cohort study

A comparison of death recording by health centres and civil registration in South Africans receiving antiretroviral treatment