causal inference

Effect Modification and Collapsibility in Evaluations of Public Health Interventions

The Effect of Electrical Load Shedding on Pediatric Hospital Admissions in South Africa

The Republic of South Africa (SA) faced repeated episodes of temporary power shutdowns in 2014/2015, but also in the years thereafter. Based on my co-author’s experience at the burns unit at Red Cross children’s hospital, we had the hypothesis that this may have caused an increase in pediatric hospital admissions.

Optimal timing of antiretroviral treatment initiation in HIV-positive children and adolescents: a multiregional analysis from Southern Africa, West Africa and Europe

Growth and Mortality Outcomes for Different Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation Criteria in Children aged 1-5 Years: A Causal Modelling Analysis from West and Southern Africa

Implications of causal modelling studies on the question of when to start antiretroviral treatment in young children

Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Dynamic and Static Longitudinal Marginal Structural Working Models

When to start antiretroviral therapy in children aged 2-5 years: a collaborative causal modelling analysis of cohort studies from southern Africa

Effectiveness of patient adherence groups as a model of care for stable patients on antiretroviral therapy in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa